Me: "Who has the best seat in the house, me or daddy?"

Adam: "Well, Daddy's is nice, but yours is best. Your's is squishier."

Monday, November 2, 2009

An All Hallows Eve Photo Album

Welcome to Halloween Central... our house!
Let's start out with an AWESOME 80's Halloween Bash!

Our buddy David of the Bishopric, living out a fantasy.

Little clay skulls and pumpkins, pit fired in the yard...

A party favor to take home.

And now for the "80's Prom Pictures"...

Ooo, baby, it's Don Johnson and some chick with big hair...

NEXT... We put on a ward party!


Ethan headed for the spook alley...deacons are in charge!

We go to sleep, wake up and carve pumpkins...

A calabash gallery

Quick! Costumes on and out to trick or treat with friends the Colyers and Heumanns...

Tessa sang out "Flew! Flew!" as she floated along the whole evening.

I finally figured out why Halloween still holds so much magic for me. As I follow my little ones up to the door, they knock, it opens and then comes the chorus...
"Trick or treat!"
Warm smiles greet them with "Oh, my! So Cute! And what do we have here?"

I am 6 years old again. I see it all through their eyes.
And now, home to check out the loot!
Can you say SUGAR?????

Oh, yes, it was a happy, happy Halloween!

1 comment:

rebekahmott said...

You had a busy Halloween that is for sure. I am glad that all had a good time, but really how could you not with so much candy involved. I LOVE CANDY!!