Me: "Who has the best seat in the house, me or daddy?"

Adam: "Well, Daddy's is nice, but yours is best. Your's is squishier."

Thursday, July 11, 2013

All Smiles

For a solid hour my darling little girl
 lay in my arms today and loved me back. 
She has been so sad. 
 She sleeps, she nurses, and she screams. 
We (meaning I) have eliminated:
pretty much we have eliminated everything but air.
She wakes squealing.  She looks fine and then begins to pull up her knees and fuss.  She cries every waking moment for hours on end.
I was giving up.
I've ordered some herbal baby-belly tonic for colic
and am prepared if I need to take her to the doctor
 (I think it might be reflux) to get medicine. 
Guy and I went to my physical therapy appointment this afternoon.  The doctor gave me lots of exercises to do to get my legs strong again, to build up my balance and get back my range of motion, and she noticed that my leg looks odd.
I noticed too.
Its reddish, and has been feeling a little tighter
and tinglier and more painful for a few days.
I guess we will be going back for an ultrasound.
But Natalie slept the whole time.
Then we stopped to visit my friend Laura to show her the baby.
Natalie was happy the whole time.
We went by the fish store to return a nearly-dead fish.
Natalie was fine.
We popped over to Krista's and Robin's to pick a few things up
and Natalie cried a bit, but once we got home she was fine.
We sat together and she started smiling
over and over.
For a whole hour she stared into my eyes
and returned my smiles.
It might have been a fluke. 
We might not get to see this particular happy baby again, but wow,
what a great hour, and what a great afternoon.

Our 5th child to get Guy's dimples.  Lucky girl.

She's lookin' like she may be a redhead...


Jan and Carol Van de Wetering Family said...

Such a sweet blessing. Kendra's little Elsie has had reflux and she finally had to giver her some medication; which REALLY helped. It's OK. Better that they're not in such discomfort, and that you, therefore aren't either. Sending love.

Lorraine said...

I hope it's relfux because that is a fairly easy fix. Good luck. Having her be happy is so nice. It gives you hope.